True Love's Lily Bouquet
Lilies are a real pleaser! They have a long life and produce a strong floral scent that will fill the room. That is why lilies are a favorite of so many. We keep it simple with this bouquet of all oriental lilies (6 stems) accented with simple greens and...
Bright Day Bouquet
This will make anybody's day a Bright Day! Recipe as shown: 3 Orange Roses, 3 Hot pink Roses, 1 Purple Hydrangea, 2 Alstromeria, Wax flower 12" wide x 10" tall. (Individual flower colors will vary because of inventory changes, but overall feel of...
Premium Dish Garden
This beautiful dish garden comes with a variety of foliage plants and bloomers. Including a flowering Hellebore perennial that can be planted outside. Accented with decorative twigs, and moss. Plants may vary due to season and...
Styled Serenity
A combination of lilies, roses and hydrangea in a clear vase accented with curly willow in this styled design. Recipe (as pictured) 1 Asiatic Lily, 3 White Roses, 1 White Spray Rose, 2 Mini Green Hydrangea, 1 Green Trick...
Deluxe Orchid Planter
This beautiful planter is perfect for any plant lover! An impressive Orchid planted with beautiful trailing greens, a bloomer, and various foliage plants. Color may vary
Sunset Blossoms
Blossoms of a sunset, with blaze of color -- oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples...6 Roses, 2 stems Oriental Lilies, 3 Carnations, 5 linear flowers, and Hydrangea. 24" tall x 16" wide- DELUXE Recipe: 9 Orange roses, 2 Lilies, 6...
Bright with Joy!
Perfect to brighten anyone's day! In this compact cheerful design, we combine 3 hydrangea, 12 assorted lavender, hot pink, and orange roses, and 5 stems stock flower, 3 filler flowers, 2 Aralia, 3 pitt, 2 salal. About 18" tall x 16" wide. Deluxe- We...
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