Romantic Sunset Bouquet
This stunning arrangement has a mix of 12 orange and hot pink roses, 6 Stems of hydrangea, 3 Stems of mini spray roses, and 10 fragrant stock accented, with tropical leaves in a glass vase. It measures 24" tall X 16" wide Select...
You are My Sunshine
This design is overflowing with premium flowers like 12 orange Roses, 6 white and green Hydrangea, 4 stems mini spray roses, and 10 fragrant Stock. They are elegantly arranged in a glass vase. The large size and grand presentation is...
Bright Day Bouquet
This will make anybody's day a Bright Day! Recipe as shown: 3 Orange Roses, 3 Hot pink Roses, 1 Purple Hydrangea, 2 Alstromeria, Wax flower 12" wide x 10" tall. (Individual flower colors will vary because of inventory changes, but overall feel of...
Birthday Snack Basket
The perfect gift for a birthday this year! We've selected delicious goodies he is sure to enjoy like bavaria sausage, cheddar cheese, cajun pretzels and more. The perfect combination of sweet and salty to satisfy his taste buds on his special day. Gift...
Charming Bouquet
This sweet bouquet has 3 bright hot pink roses, 1 stem spray roses, 2 white hydrangea, 2 hypericum berries and 1 fragrant lily and is accented with fresh foliage. 14" wide x 12" tall Deluxe Recipe: 5bright hot pink roses, 2 stem spray...
Butterfly Kisses
3 Light Pink Roses, 3 Hot Pink Roses, 3 Alstroemeria, Wax-flower or (Sub), 1 Hydrangea, 1 Variegated Pitt, 1 salal tips, 3 Aralia/Aspid, Eucalyptus, 3 Butterflies. 15"+ wide x 16" tall. (Individual flower colors will vary because of inventory...
Lil' Pick Me Up
Enjoy beauty and snacks with this fun gift of flowers and treats! Choose your choice of beverage to pair with a box of Spokandy Chocolates. Flowers will vary by availability.
Monet's Garden
This dreamy pastel color combination is inspired by Monet's paintings. 15" wide x 15" tall Recipe in shades of Lavender, Pink, and Peach, 1 Hydrangea, 6 Roses, 2 spray roses, 6 carnations, 2 Accent flowers, 2 filler flowers, eucalyptus...
Sunset Blossoms
Blossoms of a sunset, with blaze of color -- oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples...6 Roses, 2 stems Oriental Lilies, 3 Carnations, 5 linear flowers, and Hydrangea. 24" tall x 16" wide- DELUXE Recipe: 9 Orange roses, 2 Lilies, 6...
Blooming Beauty- Brights
Including the rich tones of a sunset, this beautiful arrangement is designed with 6 Orange roses, 2 Pink Oriental lilies, 1 Green hydrangea and rich greenery, curly willow 28" tall x 16" wide. DELUXE- Adds $25- 3 more roses, & 2 stems...
Fruit Punch
Juicy colors of summer bring a mouth-watering splash of color into your life! Designed with 6 roses, 6 carnations, 2 sunflowers, 3 stock, 1 Hydrangea Deluxe- We add 3 Roses, 3 Carnations and 1 sunflower Premium- We add 3 roses, 3 Carnations, 1...
So sweet
Bright and fun this arrangement will look great in any room or office! Recipe as shown: 1 Purple Hyd, 3 bright Roses, 1 orange Spray Rose, 2 Wax Flower, 2 Aspid, 1 Aralia- lily grass or bear grass Deluxe: We add 1 Green Mini Hyd, 1 Spray...
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