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2024 Flower Care Tips

2024 Flower Care Tips

26th Feb 2024

Fresh-cut flowers are a welcome sight for so many important events, and they're also a beautiful and thoughtful gift, even when there's no special occasion. If you're lucky enough to receive a gift of flowers, you might wonder about the best way to care for those flowers. Once the florists have delivered your flowers, are there steps you can take to enjoy your flowers for more than a few days? Let's learn about some of the simple steps you can take for fresh-cut flower care.

Prepare the Vase for Flowers

If you don't receive flowers regularly, the vase you normally use might have some dust on it. Before inserting the flowers into the vase, clean it thoroughly to remove any impurities. Ensure the water you add to the flowers is fresh, too. When you add the flowers and flower food, remove any of the leaves that dip below the water line to keep the water as fresh as possible for as long as possible.

Cutting the Stems and Peeling the Petals

You can give your flowers their best life in your home by cutting a few centimeters from the ends of the stems. The stems tend to get a little dry on their way to you, so cutting the ends off will ensure the flowers can take full advantage of the water and food you give them when they arrive. Florists recommend cutting the stems at a 45-degree angle, which maximizes the surface available to drink water. You may also want to peel the outer layer of petals from the flowers to reveal the fresh petals beneath.

Caring for Your Flowers in the Vase

After you've enjoyed your flowers for a few days, you'll want to add some water to the vase. However, avoid dumping the water completely since the flower food from the florists is meant to last a few days, and dumping the water too early will waste the food. On the third or fourth day, you can change the water completely, as the flowers will enjoy the infusion of fresh water.

According to The Society of American Foresters, 77% of Americans believe that people who give them flowers are thoughtful. When you receive flowers from a thoughtful friend, associate, or loved one, honor their gift by taking good care of the flowers while they remain in your home or at your office. With proper care, you can keep your flowers looking lovely for many days.



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