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3 Reasons Flowers Have Stayed the Go-To Romantic Gift

3 Reasons Flowers Have Stayed the Go-To Romantic Gift

18th Apr 2022

Flower shops all over the world know the anxious glance of a lover who doesn't know what flowers to get their partner. With many romantic rituals moving online, it can feel as if romance has completely ceased to exist. But chivalry isn't dead. So here's why you should keep buying those roses for your special someone.

Flowers Are Timeless

You might be wondering what kind of flowers last forever. While these beautiful gifts eventually shrivel up, the memory of receiving flowers never leaves the recipient. In fact, an estimated 92% of women can remember the last time someone bought them flowers. With such creative ways of preserving flowers, like pressed flowers or freezing time with resin, your loved one could definitely keep the physical flower. But, what beats a good story? What can compete with the sweetness of a memory? While mementos eventually go into storage, gathering dust in attics all over the world, the memory of receiving flowers is beyond the reach of time and wear.

Flowers Are Sweet

Think of the beauty of flower shops. The bees remind people that flowers can be beautiful as well as resourceful. And further following the metaphor, flowers can be a small gesture that means so much to the person who receives them. With flowers, you can show your care for another by remembering what their favorite flowers are. Figuring out a combination of flowers is endearing because it shows an attention to detail that is unrivaled by many other gifts you could get.

Flowers Are Simple

Walking into flower shops is a straightforward exercise. And because of the structures that already exist in these spaces, having them delivered to your sweetheart is even easier. Flowers make it simple to get a meaningful gift, even early on in a relationship. With bouquets ranging everywhere from the ornate to the modest, you can be sure to find something that suits your needs. Beyond utility, the speed with which you could pick up a bunch is unrivaled.

So whether you're thinking about getting your first bunch of peonies, or returning to the practice of purchasing a weekly bouquet for your love, do not hesitate to become a patron of the numerous flower shops in your city. Take advantage of the timeless, sweet simplicity of a gift that speaks louder than words. Buy your love flowers! Reach out to us today and we can help you find the perfect bouquet for your loved one.



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