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Sophisticated Floral Arrangements You May Not Have Thought Of

Sophisticated Floral Arrangements You May Not Have Thought Of

23rd Mar 2023

Of recipients of a floral arrangement, according to the Society of American Florists, 89% feel more like the giver is a sophisticated person. Therefore, if you're purchasing floral arrangements for a casual dinner or a formal event, it'll be appreciated, especially because centerpieces are art that doesn't end up getting eaten! The art of floral centerpieces can create some new ideas that you might never have found otherwise and go beyond simple baskets of flowers to evoke the mood of a landscape.

Seaside Centerpiece

A seaside centerpiece may feature soft blues, greens, and whites as well as accents like seagrass, driftwood, and sea stars. These floral centerpieces are a summery option that creates the feel of the waves. Their sophistication leads your guests to feel at ease.

Glowing Centerpiece

Ablaze with autumnal or wintry colors and pieces and adorned with candles, these centerpieces are a perfect option for a late-year get-together. The glow of the golds, oranges, and reds evokes the leaves of late fall, or pale white and blue flowers create a celestial aura like fresh-fallen snow. These floral centerpieces create a sophisticated and mature look for any dinner party.

Orchid and Geode Centerpiece

By combining the delicate arcs of an orchid plant with the crystalline shapes and unique colors of a geode, you can build a centerpiece that evokes the hardy lands of the Upper Midwest and the desert. With a harsh yet delicate beauty, this floral centerpiece is a unique gift that your guests will remember long after the flowers are gone.

Submersible Centerpiece

A centerpiece of submersible flowers can be a unique option for expressing an event. Your submersible centerpiece will leave a lasting impression on your guests. The flowers in this unique arrangement will surprise and delight your guests and be perfectly beautiful for the entire night.

Chimney Candle Centerpiece

A chimney candle shroud can be the core of a floral centerpiece centering the colors of fire and passion. Reds, oranges, and even some rust colors and yellows make these pieces reflect the fire of the candle. Tall chimney centerpieces are especially effective in creating the feeling of a bright bonfire in an event space where you may not be able to light candles because of space rules or fire codes.

When you start to develop your event's decoration, make sure that you keep your centerpieces in mind. With the right florist, you can create spectacular floral arrangements that you may never have thought of before. Call Rose & Blossom today to begin designing the flowers for your next event!



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